Media coverage

My project among others funded by an NSF grant was introduced on the Flint Journal, a local newspaper. It is not 100% accurate descriptions about me and the project. One example is that it was not 10 years ago when I studied at Texas A&M University.

Kettering University receives half a million dollars in National Science Foundation grants

This one is on the school news coverage. Again the title is not. It is NOT “MRI” research. The grant name is “MRI” which stands for Major Research Instrument.

NSF grant will support high resolution MRI research

ABC12 news

Kettering University receives grants from National Science Foundation

Pull-up Resistor


See the picture [1] below. When the switch is connected, the input pin will get the high level. But what if the switch is not connected. It is hard to tell the input pin will be read as high or low. Also the value of the input pin is very much susceptible by noise. This phenomenon is referred as floating.

Pull-up Resistor

A resistor (usually more than 10KΩ. See the picture [2] below) can guarantee that the value of the input pin is high when the switch is disconnected.

For more details, reading [2] is recommended.

  • [1]
  • [2]

OpenCV for Android

Why another tutorial for OpenCV for Android? I followed a tutorial from the OpenCV official website. It was disappointing. It turned out there are many problems during installation and building examples in my Mac OS X system.

My Android SDK version is 4.2.2 (API 17) with Android Development Tools (ADT) for its IDE. I believe this tutorial works as well with Android 4.3 (API 18) in Mac OS X.

Here is a list of steps to follow to get OpenCV for Android ready for you.

Download OpenCV for Android

  1. Download OpenCV for Android from You can find an Android version from the web. As I am writing this, the latest version is 2.4.6.
  2. Unzip the zip file and you will see a folder.
  3. Place the folder into a proper folder. In my case, I created a folder in my Documents and named it as work. And copy the OpenCV folder into the new folder.
  4. This is it for now until we build the libraries and samples.

Download Android NDK

You may find an NDK Plugins item from the menu Help – Install New Software. I tried this. But it shows the following error message.

Cannot complete the request. See the error log for details.
“Android Native Development Tools” will be ignored because it is already installed.

So I went to the Android NDK webpage and found a package. It seems we need to install this manually.

  1. Download a package from You can find two packages for each platform. Just select the first package which is a current and recommended toolchain for the NDK.
  2. Unzip it.
  3. Find a folder named “android-ndk-<version>.”
  4. Place this folder into the “work” folder. See the ‘Download OpenCV for Android’ section for more detail about the “work” folder.

Build OpenCV Library and Samples

Now we are kind of ready to build OpenCV Samples because we have to take a few more steps after importing Android projects from the OpenCV folder to your ADT’s workspace.

There is an NDK item in the Preferences of ADT under the Android section. It looks like we have to put NDK folder into the blank. But this is useless at least for the OpenCV samples. So you may ignore this NDK item in the Preferences.

  1. Select File – Import – Android – Existing Android Code into Workspace.
  2. You will see the ‘Import Project’ dialog.
  3. Choose ‘Root Directory’ by clicking the ‘Browse…’ button. The directory is the top folder of the OpenCV folder that you placed in the section ‘Download OpenCV for Android.’
  4. Now you can see five samples and three tutorials and one library. Select all the projects. If you want to use only one sample or tutorial, please don’t forget to select the project “sdk/java – OpenCV Library.” Then Click the ‘Finish’ button.
  5. If you want to maintain all original samples in the folder, you can check the “Copy projects into workspace” checkbox. This will copy all source code into your workspace.
  6. Some projects will show compile errors. According to OpenCV website tutorials, the errors will be shown only on a non-Windows operating systems. Anyway, I am using a Mac. So I see the errors. The remedy in the web didn’t work for me. Here is what I did.
  7. First of all, NDKROOT is not defined in my system. Add NDKROOT with the value of the actual android-ndk folder that you placed in the section ‘Download Android NDK.’ This should be done all the complaining projects with errors.
    1. Go to Properties (@I) of each project. Note that this is NOT ‘Preferences.’ Select one project and right click. Find the Properties item in the bottom of the context menu.
    2. Find C/C++ Build – Environment.
    3. Add a variable. Name it NDKROOT and put a value with your android-ndk folder.
  8. Then go back the C/C++ Build item in the Properties. You can find ‘Build command:” Its corresponding text input box has either ${NDKROOT}/ndk-build.cmd or “${NDKROOT}/ndk-build.cmd” (Note that the quotation marks!). Remove ‘.cmd’ and the quotation marks if it has. I just want ${NDKROOT}/ndk-build in the text input box.

OpenCV Manager

If your Android phone does not have OpenCV Manager, you should download it from

That’s it. Enjoy OpenCV for Android!!!


Fundings from National Science Foundation

I am honored to have this great opportunity thanks to many people including my graduate advisor and his team. This would not be possible without full support of our department head and the office of sponsored office at Kettering.


MRI: Development of High-Throughput ad High-Resolution Three-Dimensional Tissue Scanner with Internet-Connected 3D Virtual Microscope for Large-Scale Automated Histology

  • Investigator: Jaerock Kwon  (Principal Investigator)
  • Start Date: September 1, 2013
  • Expires: August 31, 2016 (Estimated)
  • Awarded amount: $341,563.00


The objective of this program is to develop a high-throughput and high-resolution 3D tissue scanner with an Internet-connected 3D virtual microscope for large-scale automated histology. The instrument will digitize a wide variety of organs and generate 3D data sets. A data processing pipeline will automatically convert the raw data sets into aligned volumetric data sets without human intervention. Therefore immediate access to the large-scale histological data will be possible for a wide variety of research and research training communities.

The intellectual merit is as follows. Large-scale output data of the instrument will be easily acquired and shared through the fast scanner, data processing pipelines, and web-based visualization framework. In the past, investigation of biological organs were limited to either gross system-level studies or highly detailed microscopic analysis of small subsets of the organ. The new tissue scanner will digitally restore tissue structure in 3D with a specialized visualization framework that helps researchers to fully understand function of biological organs.

The broader impacts are three folds: (1) Obtaining digitized high-resolution data for multi-scale investigation of biological organs at a high acquisition rate will open up new areas of research in the community. (2) For education infrastructure, microscopic atlases of whole biological organs can serve as educational materials for students and educators at all levels. (3) For dissemination, the project results will provide research communities with a new 3D tissue scanner with a virtual microscope by which researchers can obtain digitized 3D tissue data in sub-micron level resolution from a tissue sample.

Award URL:

iOS Simulator Location Servies Settings

In iOS Simulator, if you choose “Don’t Allow” when you are prompted “Your App” Would Like to Use Your Current Location, there is no obvious way to turn it on back.

Here is a solution.

  1. Start Settings in the simulator.
  2. Select “Reset Location & Privacy” in the General – Reset.
  3.  Select “Reset Warnings” when you are prompted.

That’s all.

Now you will see the selection dialog when you start your app using Core Location.

Problems in updating Android SDK Tools with rev. 22

You may find an error after updating your Android SDK with Rev. 22. When you restart the ADT, you will see this error.

This Android SDK requires Android Developer Toolkit version 22.0.0 or above.
Current version is 21.x.x.
Please update ADT to the latest version.

The problem is you will not be able to update it from the “Check Updates” button. Clicking the button leads you to the “No updates were found” window along with the “Problem Occurred” window. If you ignore the problem, this error prevents us from running any of your existing projects.

This is because of the wrong URL of the Android Developer Tools Update Site. You cannot fix this problem by changing the Install/Update – Available Software Sites – Android Developer Tools Update Site since it adds automatically “content.xml” at the end of the URL.

Here is a list of steps that you need to take.

  1. Help – Install New Software in the ADT menu.
  2. Type in “Work with:” and Enter.
  3. You can see the “Developer Tools” item.
  4. Select it and click Next.
  5. Click Next one more.
  6. Click Finish accepting the terms of the license agreements.
  7. Click OK in the “Security Warning” window.
  8. Let the installer restart ADT after installing the tools.

That’s it.

Posters at the Celebrate Achievement Expo

During Homecoming Weekend, posters from the M:IR lab were presented at the Celebrate Achievement Expo from 9-11 a.m. May 18.

Microsoft kinetic sensor for real-time color tracking robot
Matthew Clark, David Feldpausch, and Girma Tewolde, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Low-cost dashboard for an electric scooter
Trifon Tsekov, Girma Tewolde, Jae Kwon and Kevin Bai, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Development of a modular LED display controller

Dan Gudorf and Girma Tewolde, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Kettering University Robotics Team – Intelligent ground vehicle competition
Jorge Horcasitas, Lex Lombardi and Girma Tewolde, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Design and implementation of LED dimming system with intelligent sensor module
Jaerock Kwon, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

GoogleMaps Demo

Here is a simple example of Android Maps v2 using MapFragment. We are assuming that the Google Play services SDK is installed. If you don’t have the SDK, please install before this. See details at here.

New Project

  • File > New > Android Application Project
    • Application Name: MapsDemo
    • Package Name: edu.kettering.mapsdemo
    • Minimum Required SDK: API 11: Android 3.0
      • Note: Fragment was introduced in API 11
    • Compile With: Google APIs (Google Inc.) (API 17)
      • If you have not installed Google APIs, Install it using the Android SKD Manager. Google APIs are the superset of Android APIs. This means “Google API level 17” means “Android 4.2.2 (level 17) + Google APIs.”
  • Use default values for all the options.

Adding Library

Add Google Play services library.

  • Project > Properties.
  • Select Android in the left. Find the Library pane. Click “Add…” and select “google-play-services_lib”

Adding MapFragment

  • Open “activity_main.xml” and delete the text view.
  • Drag the “Fragment” in the “Layout” Palette and drop on the main layout.
    • “Choose Fragment Class” will be prompted.
    • Find “MapFragment.”
  • Align the fragment by adjusting the size. The root layout is RelativeLayout. So drag the border lines and drop at the end of the window left, top, right, and bottom.
  • Change the id to “@+id/map”

[code language=”xml”]
<RelativeLayout xmlns:android=""
tools:context=".MainActivity" >

android:layout_alignParentTop="true" />


Using GoogleMap class

We can get a GoogleMap object using FragmentManager. A MapFragment can be acquired from findFragmentById. The map can get from getMap().

[code language=”java”]
package edu.kettering.mapsdemo;


import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.Menu;

public class MainActivity extends Activity {
static final LatLng ketteringLatLng = new LatLng(43.013651,-83.713498);
private GoogleMap map;

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

map = ((MapFragment)getFragmentManager().findFragmentById(;
map.addMarker(new MarkerOptions().position(ketteringLatLng).title("Kettering"));
map.moveCamera(CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngZoom(ketteringLatLng, 15));

public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
// Inflate the menu; this adds items to the action bar if it is present.
getMenuInflater().inflate(, menu);
return true;


Getting an API Key

Get an API Key with the package name, “edu.kettering.mapsdemo” and the SHA-1 fingerprint. See this article for more detail.

Editing AndroidManifest.xml

We need to add permission, uses-permission, use-feature, and meta-data. “edu.kettering.mapsdemo”s in red should be replaced with your app’s package name.

[code language=”java”]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<manifest xmlns:android=""
android:versionName="1.0" >

android:targetSdkVersion="17" />

<!– Start Maps –>
<uses-permission android:name="edu.kettering.mapsdemo.permission.MAPS_RECEIVE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION"/>
<uses-permission android:name=""/>
<!– End of Maps –>

android:theme="@style/AppTheme" >

<!– Start Maps –>
<!– End of Maps –>

android:label="@string/app_name" >
<action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />

<category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />


Getting Ready to Use Google Maps Android API v2

Why do we need another tutorial for Google Maps Android API v2? I have discovered little things are missed or inaccurate in tutorials here and there (even in Google’s developer guideline). I do not want to repeat every single detail that you can find other places. This can be a supplementary material for Google’s developer guide for Google Maps Android API v2.

We know what the Google Maps is already. Also the 2nd version was introduced many months ago. Google Maps API in Android was also improved and named v2. Many things have  changed since last year.

Let’s get started. I am assuming we are using Eclipse as an IDE.

Install Google Play services SDK

To use Google Maps in Android we should have Google Play services. I don’t know why Google uses the name “Play” for Maps services. Anyway…

  • Start the Android SDK Manager.
  • Find Google Play services in the Extras.
  • Install the package by clicking “Install …” button.

Get the library for Google Play services

After the package is installed. We have to make the library usable for other projects.

  • Import the library so that my project can use it.
    • Go to File > Import > Android > Existing Android Code … and click Next.
    • Browse and find “<your android sdk folder>/extras/google/google_play_services/libproject/google-play-services_lib” and click Finish.
  • We just installed Google Play services library.

Make the sample app, maps work.

There are few samples in the Google Play services SDK. Let us make “maps” work. We could use this as a working template that can be utilized for future projects.

  • Import the sample.
    • Go to File > Import > Android > Existing Android Code … and click Next.
    • Browse and find “<your android sdk folder>/extras/google/google_play_services/samples/maps”.
    • The default new project name of the sample is “MainActivity.” This is not a smart choice at all. Let us change it to something more meaningful such as “MapsSample” before you click the Finish button.
    • Also make sure that you check “Copy projects into workspace” so that the original code is intact.
  • Well.. you can see tons of errors. Look hopeless. But do not worry. We will fix them shortly.
    • Go to Project > Properties.
    • Find Android in the left. You will see the Library pane in your right. If you see the ‘X’ mark in red, select it and click Remove.
    • Click Add… and select the “google-play-services_lib” item. Click OK. Now you can see the check mark in green.
  • Most errors should be gone now. RetainMapActivity has some errors that are from using “FragmentActivity.”
    • Fragment was introduced in Android 3.0 (API level 11). ADT (Build: v21.1.0-569685) makes templates using minSDK 8. The example was written using Support Lib anyway. Let us use the support library.
  • Add a support lib v4 into the project.
    • Make the “libs” folder inside the project folder. If you followed my recommendation in naming the project, the folder name is “MapsSample” and the “libs” folder must be inside the folder.
    • Find “android-support-v4.jar” at “<your android sdk folder>/extras/android/support/v4/” and copy it into the “libs” folder.
    • Go to Project > Properties.
    • Find “Java Build Path” in the left. Select the “Libraries” tab and click “Add External JARs…” Find the “android-support-v4.jar” file. Note: Do not select the jar file inside the Android SDK folder.
    • This must remove all remaining errors.
  • Run the app. You may see the program crashes.
    • Go to Project > Properties.
    • Find “Java Build Path” in the left. Select the “Libraries” tab.  Find the “android-support-v4.jar” file and remove it. I know, I know.. This is a strange step. But it should fix the crash.
  • If you still see errors from GoogleMap related packages and classes, just choose “Fix project setup..” from the Quick Fix suggestion and select “Add archive ‘google-play-services.jar – ….” and click OK. This will add “google-play-services.jar” into the build path.


As of writing this Android emulator does not support Google Play services. We should use an actual Android device.


An API Key is required to use Google Play services.  To get a key we need an SHA-1 fingerprint and the application registration with the Google Maps Android API v2.

SHA-1 fingerprint

  • Locate debug.keysotre file in the “.android” in the current user folder.
    • /Users/&lt;user name&gt;/.android/ or ~/.android/
  • List the SJA-1 fingerprint.
    • keytool -list -v -keystore ~/.android/debug.keystore -alias androiddebugkey -storepass android -keypass android
  • Find the “SHA1:” line in the output.
    • Alias name: androiddebugkeyCreation date: Apr 4, 2013
      Entry type: PrivateKeyEntry
      Certificate chain length: 1
      Owner: CN=Android Debug, O=Android, C=US
      Issuer: CN=Android Debug, O=Android, C=US
      Serial number: 515de791
      Valid from: Thu Apr 04 16:50:25 EDT 2013 until: Sat Mar 28 16:50:25 EDT 2043
      Certificate fingerprints:
      MD5: 11:22:33:44:A8:0E:99:00:33:94:44:33:55:7E:66:FD
      SHA1: <span style="color:#ff0000">FF:CC:BB:16:99:E3:AA:FF:55:44:42:77:AE:55:46:99:43:55:88:C2</span>
      Signature algorithm name: SHA1withRSA
      Version: 3
    • Copy the hexa-decimal string after “SHA1:” (Note that the string above is not actual fingerprint)


  • Go to
  • Select “Services” and find “Google Maps Android API v2” in the middle of the list.
    • Turn the switch on.
  • Select API Access.
    • Click “Create new Android key…”
    • Paste the copied SHA-1 fingerprint and put ‘;’ followed by the package name (com.example.mapdemo).
  • Find “API key:” in the “Key for Android apps (with certificates)”

Put the Key into AndroidManifest.xml

Locate AndroidManifest.xml and open it. Find “YOUR_OWN_KEY” and replace it with the API key.

[code language=”xml”]

Connect your Android device and execute the sample. You will see “Google Maps API Demos” app.